Resources 2024 WIC Food Package Updates
This printable resource created by the National WIC Association includes key updates to the WIC food package including the addition of canned fish and other rules that are currently being implemented or are required to be implemented by April 20, 2026 (this is not a comprehensive list of all changes).

The WIC food packages—grounded in the most recently available science—have helped children score higher on the Healthy Eating Index and helped WIC families employ healthier shopping habits. And paired with WIC’s clinic-based nutrition services, the monthly WIC benefit brings healthy foods into reach for approximately 6.7 million participants each month.
As mandated by the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, the United States Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) Food and Nutrition Service (FNS) must reevaluate the WIC food package every 10 years.
This printable resource created by the National WIC Association includes key updates to the WIC food package including the addition of canned fish and other rules that are currently being implemented or are required to be implemented by April 20, 2026 (this is not a comprehensive list of all changes).