
From digital resources to printables and so much more, we've got the information you need to stay up-to-date on all things WIC!


Health Care Providers Package

This printable toolkit will give you a better understanding of the program, helping you make the best decision for each patient.

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2024 WIC Food Package Updates

This printable resource created by the National WIC Association includes key updates to the WIC food package including the addition of canned fish and other rules that are currently being implemented or are required to be implemented by April 20, 2026 (this is not a comprehensive list of all changes).

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WIC Guide for Health Care Providers

In this printable resource from FRAC (Food Research & Action Center), learn about how you can partner with WIC to improve your patients' access to the program.

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WIC Community Partner Toolkit

Community partnerships with local organizations or healthcare providers can help support local WIC agency’s goals and initiatives. In this toolkit, you'll find templates for community partner emails, press releases, social media posts, and more!

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